c/o B Info Sol Pvt. Ltd.

Chemistry and Biochemistry
20, 30, 60 Days
5000, 9000 & 15000
How to Register
Click on the registration link and enter your details.
Then complete your enrollment by clicking on the enrollment link and paying 3000 (use Gpay option).
Then mail your copy of Aadhar, Last Marksheet, College/University/Job ID & the payment screenshot to informaticsbose@gmail.com. Mention the subject of mail as INTERNSHIP and mention the starting date, topic you chose and duration of the course you want to persue in the mail.
We will return mail you with the registration and enrollment details ASAP.
About the Course
GLP, Calibration, Uses of Apparatus, QC and QA (Only for Biochemistry Majors), Daily Life of Chemistry, Titration, Chemical kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Chemical Equilibrium
Preparation of Different Standard Solutions as per their Molarity/Normality
Detection of glucose, sucrose, starch, and tartaric acid.
Food Analysis and Testing
Quantitative Tests of Carbohydrates
Estimation of Phenol
Estimation of Flavonoid
Total Estimation of Sugar
Preparation of buffer solutions of different pH values
Extraction of phytochemicals from leaves
Purification of organic compounds by crystallization using solvents
Acidometry & Alkalimetry
Complexometric Analysis
Gravimetry and Colorimetry
Partition coefficient (solid & liquid phase extraction)
Dry & Wet test of acid and basic radicals
Functional group tests for alcohols, phenols, carbonyl, sulpho and carboxylic acid group
Estimation of Cholesterol
Analysis of uric acid in urine
Analysis of Albumin-Globulin-Bilirubin in Blood Serum
Estimation of Amino Acid
Estimation of Protein by Lowry’s method.
Estimation of Vit-C