c/o B Info Sol Pvt. Ltd.
Training & Projects
In biotechnology, bioinformatics, data science, machine learning, business analytics, and stem. Bose Informatics offers extensive and in-depth practical training. Our goal is to deliver a one-of-a-kind learning experience in a real-world setting that allows trainees to master the skills they need to function and thrive in their employment. All of our programs are intended to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its implementation in the workplace. We provide all-in-one education for each and every student and our quality of education is always our top priority.
Drug design & Proteomics
Genomics & Proteomics
Nanobiology & Probiotics
Gene Expression Analysis & Cancer Biology
Enzymology & Biochemistry
Industrial Microbiology
Biomolecular Haematology
Biotechnology & Bioremediation
Food Technology & Safety
Molecular Bioinformatics
Molecular Biology & Genetics
Forensic Biology
Recombinant DNA Technology
Pepsico Quality Control & Analytics
Virology & RNA Biology
Plant & Agri Biotechnology & Tissue Culture
Cell Biology & Microbiology
Food Microbiology
Plasmid Curing
Data Science
Machine Learning
Business Analytics
Training in Practicals to students who have not done those protocols earlier.
Complete [Project Report] Thesis Assistance.
Hands-on Practicals Experience
Training in Content Writing with 9% Plagiarism
Academic Reviews Assistance
Project Presentation Assistance
Project Publication Assistance in Scopus Indexed Journals with Impact Factor above 2.5 for required candidates
Accommodation Assistance for Students coming from outstations to Kolkata
Research / Project Topic selection with complete proposal assistance in any field under Biotechnology & Bioinformatics or in a combined one.
Finalizing research methodology with complete protocols finalization with reference back up where ever necessary.
Practical assistance to the desired number of protocols until desired results are procured. Fee & Time depend upon the number of protocols that are finalized in step 2 above
Analysis and documentation of procured results. This analysis includes statistical analysis too
Thesis assistance right from Title to references including discussions, conclusions, summary, etc if respective Ph.D. guides recommend the same.